The Largest Multi-Family Project In The U.S. Pursuing A Gold Level Certification With The National Green Building Program

The uprise of building projects in general always show a good sign that the market is turning around for the better.  The specs of this listed project while as a whole is impressive, it is not what makes this project the standout in Florida, but instead the standout project in all of the U.S and that is something to be excited about.  The reason everyone should be celebrating is this project currently is the largest multi-family project to pursue a GOLD level certification with the National Green Building Program (NGBP), which is issued from the NAHB Research Center.

SeaBourn Cove is the name of this new, exciting, and innovating multi-family project located in Boynton Beach, FL.  The project will consist of multiple phases over the next 3 years and expected to generate over 300 new jobs for the area.  With the housing market being in the current state of turmoil, consumers are seeking alternative options.  The other options include luxury residences such as renting, which do not necessarily involve a mortgage payment or creating permanence in a specific location.  SeaBourn Cove will be ideal for the current consumer and consist of flats and town houses totaling 456 units on almost 23 acres of land.

Seaborne Cove Front
Seaborne Cove Front
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The buildings will be an amazing two to three stories high featuring single flats around 800 square feet to 3 bedroom units including parking garages.  There will be a mixed population of occupants including families to singles.  With 456 units, this green project will touch many different groups.  Building green in a project of this size will converge different groups on educating them about green building from owners to subcontractors, sales professionals, and the occupants.  There are several individuals that will experience building green and others that will be lucky enough to live green.  This is the future for building and we are spreading the message of sustainable building and healthy living.  Two Trails Inc. is proud and excited to have been chosen as the green building consultants and 3rd party verifier for this amazingly project.  “The SeaBourn Cove project will be a great example that building green benefits all who are involved.  The Housing Group has chosen to take it up a few notches and go for Gold, the highest level to be achieved for a multi-unit of this size in the U.S under the National Green Building Program.  They see the value and the long-term benefits that will pay them in lower maintenance costs for years to come.  It also gives accountability to the process and to the occupants with proof that they will be living a greener lifestyle by having a third party certification such as the National Green Building Program.”  Drew Smith President of Two Trails Inc.

About Drew Smith | Two Trails, Inc. was founded in 2001, by an innovative builder who set out to change the methodology of conventional building science. Drew realized that the only way to change the industry was to become the resource for the knowledge on how to implement healthy, sustainable projects. He “hung up his hammer” and opened one of the first green building, consulting firms in the nation.

By helping to develop standards for the American Lung Association, National Home Builders Association, Florida Green Building Coalition, and USGBC LEED for Homes by either writing the standard or testing the viability of the standard in the field, he was able to provide his firm with a thorough understanding of the science of building sustainable, healthy, environmentally conscious, and affordable solutions for the building industry. He was “green” before “green” was more than a color.

About Two Trails, Inc. | Two Trails, Inc. is a Green Building Consulting firm established in 2001. We provide green consulting services nationwide for commercial, residential, remodeling, and developments seeking to obtain LEED USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council), National Green Building Certification Program by NAHB Research Center, Energy Star, & Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) certifications.

Our President, Drew M. Smith, LEED AP, was the founding President of the Florida Green Building Coalition and is the first Governor appointed Green Building Commissioner for the State of Florida. Two Trails, Inc. provides hands-on consulting making it easy to achieve certification.

Contact Information: 

Tom Rupp 

Two Trails, Inc. 

Communications and Marketing Manager 

tom at 



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